DIY Fimo is a local (Singapore) home based blog shop featuring beautiful and quality Fimo nail art deco that is delicately hand-sliced.
Simple as it might seem to be, Fimo nail deco slices are actually difficult to cut at consistent thickness and as slim as possible around each slice. Large amount of time is required to cut each slice to ensure consistently thin and beautiful Fimo nail art deco slices.
You might find our products slightly more expensive than the other sellers in the market, but rest assured you are paying for quality when you purchase from DIY Fimo.
Other products in the market are most likely machine sliced and to ensure that more slices turn out okay, these machine sliced Fimo nail deco are usually thicker. Thick Fimo nail deco look bulky and fat, thus will not turn out pretty on your finger nails.
Why Choose DIY Fimo ??
DIY Fimo features Fimo nail deco that are as slim as 0.3mm per slice. Slim slices are easier to stick on with lesser amount of top coat or glue, less likely to fall off and makes the hand looks aesthetically beautiful. Thinner slices also allow Fimo nail deco fanatics to apply more on each nail without looking too bulky and ugly.
Browse all Fimo nail art deco from DIY Fimo here.